Blurbs of Other Short Stories, Novels, and Poetry

Have you ever had a child drive you crazy? Meet Jerome Mitchell from “A Day with Jerome Mitchell.” After spending a day with him, I wanted to return him home, and I’m the author!


Marsha Klein’s Run” is a story of a young womans struggle with weight lost after being threatened with an onset of Diabetes.  It is during a courageous act to prevent the disease that she comes face to face with an internal conflict, which may well be the cause of her problems or maybe not.


In the poem”The Blackbird,” a serial killer describes a scene where a dead blackbird becomes the coversation piece of the day by onlooking blackbirds; but it’s not the first time he’s heard similar conversations by blackbirds….


Can you relate to children not listening to their parents? This is the number one complaint that Jimmy Smelts mom has of him but today he is sitting still, except there is one problem, the train is coming!


Strangers Bond,”  a novel, delves into the life of teens bonding under arduous circumstances.

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